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How Much is an Eye Exam in Ontario?

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An Ontario optometrist smiling in their exam room.

Routine eye exams are pivotal to maintaining good ocular health and vision, but the cost of these visits can be a barrier to care.

In Ontario, there is no one fixed rate for eye exams. Factors like the type of exam, technology used, location, and optometrist expertise all influence the overall cost of the visit.

Our community at Stoney Creek Optometry values offering quality, comprehensive care at affordable pricing. Our comprehensive eye exams are $130, while our partial exams start at $45. 

Why the Cost of Eye Exam Varies

The cost of an eye exam in Ontario is far from a fixed rate. On average, a routine comprehensive eye exam without OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) coverage can range from $120 to $250.

It’s worth mentioning that this price fluctuates based on several key factors. Ultimately, not every service provided by an eye clinic is the same. 

  • The type of eye exam: Not all eye exams are created equal. At the end of an exam, most patients receive an updated vision prescription for glasses or contacts, but the thoroughness of the overall evaluation using specialized tests, like retinal photos, can increase the price. 
  • The technology used: Clinics that use advanced diagnostic technologies like retinal photos and OCT scans (Optical Coherence Tomography) often charge more for an exam. These instruments allow optometrists to detect eye diseases that may otherwise take longer to detect during a standard exam. 
  • Location of the clinic: Like most services, the geographic location and overhead cost can influence pricing. Clinics in cities may have higher costs due to increased demand and operating expenses compared with rural clinics. 
  • The expertise of the optometrist: Like other medical professionals, optometrists are always learning and improving their skills and techniques. Some choose to specialize in a particular area of optometry, like complete family eyecare.
An optometrist evaluates their patient's ocular health using a slit lamp during their routine eye exam.

The Cost of Our Eye Exams 

At Stoney Creek Optometry, we value offering our patients thorough eye care using advanced imaging techniques at affordable prices.

Our comprehensive eye exam, priced at $130, includes a thorough health assessment and provides a finalized prescription for glasses, contact lenses, or both! 

During our routine eye exam, we examine the overall health of your eyes using OCT scans and retinal imaging. Using these imaging techniques, we can detect signs of serious eye conditions, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration early, before symptoms worsen.

An OCT scan provides cross-sectional images of the retina, making it possible to detect even the smallest changes in its structure.

Retinal images provide a wide-angle view of the retina, revealing conditions like retinal tears or diabetic retinopathy.

Everyone, regardless of age or health status, is encouraged to have an eye exam. These visits help preserve vision and ocular health by monitoring and detecting potential concerns early, allowing timely intervention.

The frequency of these visits varies, but as a general rule:

  • Adults aged 20 to 64 should schedule an eye exam every two years unless their optometrist recommends otherwise.
  • Optometrists recommend that children 19 years and younger have an annual eye exam, as their eyes continue to grow and develop. During this time, it’s normal to notice fluctuations in vision. Children can have their first eye exam as young as 6 months old!
  • Seniors 65 years and older should have an annual eye exam, as they are more susceptible to developing age-related visual changes. 

Routine eye exams for children 19 and under and seniors 65 and older are covered through OHIP because their eyes are more susceptible to visual changes and developing age-related eye conditions. 

For patients who have already had a comprehensive exam within the past year, our partial eye exams are available for $45.

These exams differ from comprehensive visits because they focus on addressing a particular concern. This may include monitoring changes in vision, checking the progression of a known condition, or providing follow-up care based on previous findings.

Ultimately, our fees are lower than the Ontario Association of Optometrists’ fee guide. 

How Much Does Private Insurance Cover?

The cost of eye care can add up, but the good news is most private insurance plans can reduce the overall cost.

Many private insurance plans, whether through an employer or purchased individually, cover some or all of the cost of routine eye exams. Generally, this includes: 

  • One routine eye exam every 24 months (this can vary depending on the plan)
  • Additional coverage for specialized tests or follow-up care

The exact dollar amount depends entirely on your insurer and individual plan. While we can’t always determine how much your coverage allows ahead of your appointment, our clinic offers direct billing to most providers, helping to make the process as seamless as possible. 

We suggest contacting your insurance provider directly to learn exactly how much your insurance will cover. This helps verify you have accurate information before your appointment. 

Schedule an Exam

Routine eye exams help preserve your vision and overall ocular health. Affordable eye exams and private insurance can help cover some of the cost, but avoiding eye care altogether is never worth the risk. 

With another insurance year ending, schedule a visit with our team at Stoney Creek Optometry for your next routine eye exam. 

Written by Dr. Douglas Fernick

More Articles By Dr. Douglas Fernick

Extended Hours, Direct Billing, & Conveniently Located

Life can get busy, and we want to help simplify your eye care experience. We are conveniently located on all major bus routes, provide free parking, have extended evening and Saturday hours, and offer direct billing to most insurance companies. We implement our extensive experience and innovative technology into our eye exams to ensure your visit is a productive one.

Our Location

Our clinic is located on Queenston Road, right next to Fortinos Plaza in the prestigious Stoney Creek Professional Arts Building.

Our Address

  • Stoney Creek Professional Arts Building, 980 Queenston Rd. Suite 202
  • Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1B9

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

Dr. Douglas Fernick

Dr. Edward Hadzocos

Dr. Adam Jeary

Dr. Julia Baltais

Dr. Robert Stodulka

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